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Return Fire 2 Downloads

Return Fire II was released in back in 1998, but once again we have a loyal following of Fans of this franchise.

When RF was developed, it was on the then cutting edge 3Dfx video card, being one of the first 3D games for the new breed of 3D video cards.

Standards were still not locked down, and there have been several issues with RF2 since the demise of 3Dfx video cards. Before the project was closed out, we built in some limited support for OpenGL Video Drivers. Following the release of Windows 2000, we did one final service patch to support the latest version of Windows.

To change Video drivers, you will find a program called VidSetup.exe in the install directory on your computer. Run this program and you will be able to select the graphics mode. Software Rendering will be the slowest.

RFII Patch 1.1 (+2 maps) Xmarks & Dunes Rfiip1.exe
RFII Map Release 1 (2 maps) Pummel & Magoo Rf2mp1.exe
RFII Map Release 2 (2 maps) Overpass & Danger
RFII Map Release 3 (1 map) Key
RFII Patch 1.2 (includes 1.1) Fixes for Win2000, Voodoo 3,4,5 and OpenGL RFIREIISP12.exe